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Helping to achieve God's will for marriage


Ephesians 5 Marriage is a community of Christian couples sharing our experiences, trials, and lessons that we have learned throughout our marriages. We know that marriage, especially during the first five years, can be challenging and trying at times to the point that it can become overwhelming. Also, even past those 5 years, marriage continues to require a lot of time, patience, sacrifice, love, and, most of all, prayer. We aim to encourage, empower, and uplift marriage, discuss issues that couples may face, and share how to overcome those issues through God's will. In hopes to strengthen marital bonds across the world, we also want to equip future husbands and wives with the necessary tools needed to grow individually and learn themselves, so that they can become the best versions of themselves for their partners. We are also excited about sharing the skills that we have learned about including communication, submission, intimacy, finances, temptations, time, compromise, respect, and much more. We hope to not only share our stories with other couples, but to learn from them and grow with them as well and shine a positive light on marriage in today's society .

Ephesians 5:22-33

~Job 29 Man meets the Proverbs 31 Woman~

Working from a Cafe

"Let us rejoice and exult and give him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his Bride has made herself ready;"

Revelation 19:7

Scripture of the Week

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