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It's Testimony Tuesday!!!!

Today's topic is generational curses

At the beginning of my marriage, I struggled with the generational curses of bad temperament, selfishness, chauvinism, and stubbornness and I was completely blind to it. I loved my wife to life, but I couldn't get out of my own way and the way I showed it was not of Christ. As a child, I watched my parents' marriage and I paid close attention to my dad. Although he had a great spirit, he wasn't the best husband. I thought to myself as an immature man in Christ and life that I would use the way my dad handled situations for my situations as well and I almost lost my wife because of such thinking. Although my dad had good intentions, his actions didn't follow. In following what I saw, I failed to realize that my wife and my mom would have different reactions. I had made so many mistakes and being so immature, I didn't know how to deal with her non-tolerance other than to use God's declaration of man being the head in the wrong way. So after only 2 months of marriage, my wife decided she had had enough and we separated for nearly 6 months. It was by far the hardest thing I've ever had to endure. Not only was I separated after just getting married, but now, in knowing that my marriage is in jeopardy and that God doesn't approve of this kind of divorce, my mind is racing and I know I have to do something. All of this is going on while I'm trying to go to school and find a career and it seemed like it was all spiraling out of control. But when I tell you that my God is faithful and I made up in my mind that I wanted my marriage, even if it denied me happiness! I chose God! I had to realize that I had to walk, talk, act, live, and be like Christ, not my dad, if I wanted to be a great husband and if I ever wanted my wife back. I had to break the generational curse that I carried if I wanted my marriage to survive, but I could not do it alone. I could only achieve that through the blood of the Lamb (Christ Jesus). Our marriage still struggled for quite a while after, but God worked on me and we got through every obstacle no matter how hard it was! My advice to everybody out there reading this is that we have to break the generational curses. I know that we all sometimes carry bad images and examples from our parents (or any relative), but that's no excuse to let that be the downfall of our marriages. Decide right then and there whether you want your marriage to win or lose, live or die. When your wife/husband tells you something is bothering them, don't just brush it off as them complaining or nagging. Listen and really listen, because that very last time you choose to ignore fore-warnings could be the the last moment of patience or piece that your spouse has to give. The dangers of generational curses lie in the fact that we can't see them in ourselves until we really take a look in the mirror. We can break the chains and curses with prayer and get deliverance from these curses by working together, and following God's guidance as a team. Let go and let God have his way in you. Don't let my story be your story, God wants all marriages to last and with love, determination, prayer, sacrifice, and the will to change, we can have marriages that brings everlasting happiness and joy! We have to be the example of the next generation and show them that through the power of Christ that all generational curses can be broken!

~Joshua Williams powered by the Holy Spirit


Exercise for today:

If you feel like you are experiencing troubles with generational curses that are affecting your spouse and/or your children and disrupting your home, here are a few exercises that I want you to do:

1.) Identify them- Dig deep with in yourself and determine what those strongholds are and the underlying causes of them and confess them. Is it adultery, divorce, drinking, abuse, drugs, etc.? Whatever it is holding you, identify it and take responsibility for it.

2.) Pray- Once you have identified the curse, began to rebuke it and ask God to give you the strength and courage to overcome it. Bind all of your curses in the name of Jesus. If you are not saved, make it your mission to truly accept Jesus Christ as your savior and accept the mercy and grace that God has afforded us. 2 Corinthians 5:17 shows us that in Christ we are a NEW creation and that all of the old has passed away. Through Jesus, you will delivered you from your curse.

3.) Break and Reverse The Curse- Let go and let God have his his way. Only when have decided that you will not give those curses dominion over your life and that you will take your life back, you will began to see change. Do whatever you have to do to release yourself. Think about who or what in particular hurt you and forgive them. Began to profess and proclaim healing in your life. and in your marriage.

4.) Apologize To You Spouse- Once you are dedicated to removing and keeping those curses out of your life, ask your spouse (and children if necessary) for forgiveness and assure them that you are continually working on being a better you.

4.) Stay Focused- Remain obedient to God's word, align your actions with the will of God, and continue to seek Him if you ever feel like you are taking a few steps backwards. God is your strength and we learn in Exodus 20:6 once you have broken your generational curse and turned back to God, you are forever loved and saved.

Be blessed my brothers and sisters in Christ. Love you.

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