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It's #KingdomMarriageMonday

And the winners of #KingdomMarriageMonday for today are (drumroll please)..... Monesha and Sidney Brooks. Congratulations to this God-fearing couple. Here is a little bit about their union:

"My name is Monesha Brooks and standing next to me is my amazing husband Sidney Brooks. We have been married for 7 years and together 10 years. God has blessed our union tremendously. We had a lot of down fall at the beginning of our marriage, but once we realize that we were missing God in it, we started putting our faith back in him. We started praying more, attending church more. God turned it all around. I'm not saying that we don't have bad days, its just easier when Jesus is in it. My advice to all marriage couples is to communicate, pray together, and keep God first and your marriage will be blessed tremendously.


The Brooks"

Remember, all you guys have to do to enter to win is submit a photo of you and your spouse/fiance' and a little bit about your journey together to We love this part of our week, especially putting godly love on blast for the world to see. We hope you all have a miraculous week.

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